Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back to work

AHHHHH! How do you cope? I'm only on day 3 and I'm already feeling overwhelmed with everyday life as a new working mom. First let me say I'm fortunate enough to have a great boss. He has allowed me the opportunity to decrease my travel and work from home (as long as I'm making progress obviously). After I got this fabulous news I set up my nanny to come in part time...Tuesday and Thursday mornings and every other Monday morning and I can work in the afternoons/evenings when Jason gets home. On days that she isn't here I will just work around his naps....thats what I thought! I'm already wondering if I'm going to have to increase her hours. I tried this morning to juggle calls, emails, feedings and nap time on the Nanny's day off. WOW. Thats not going to work. Tomorrow I will have to wake up EARLY to start my work day. Now I ask, do I put him in day care part time (every morning)? But when I do travel where will he go since Jason works crazy hours? How are we going to work this? Staying home isn't an option right now. How will I ever find time to clean, cook and exercise (ok cook is a stretch since I didn't do that before)? I'm sure as the weeks progress I will find a schedule that works for everyone but my gosh. At this point I can barely walk through the living room to kitchen without falling over a bouncy, toy, dog and dropping a pacifer along the way. How do working moms do this? Is it easier to have an 8-5 or am I dreaming of some easy life that probably will never exist anymore? Don't get me wrong, I cherish my son and I'm so happy that he is with us but I guess I didn't prepare for how my work life would change. I don't think I prepared at all!

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