Friday, August 5, 2011

Life as I know..well..actually life as I knew it....

I'm still adjusting. Yes..even after 14 months I'm still adjusting to a different way of life. Remember the blog I wrote awhile back about how much my career meant to me. Well apparently I was trying to convince myself that the company I worked for actually cared about me. The person that worked so hard for them for ten years. It wasn't until the night I laid awake wondering how I was going to juggle the next travel trip while my husband also traveled that I finally realized...WHAT AM I DOING? I'm a mother now and I can't keep shuffling this child around to fit my company's needs. They have to understand right and help me somehow. Uhhh negative. What a reality check when I went to my boss to discuss what I was going through; the guy that always preached.."family first"...said ok well when is your last day? WOW right? He made a promise to support me in finding another position but never did. So after a month of emotions and feeling defeated, I woke up. What am I doing? I love my little boy so much so why not make a better career choice that benefits all of us...including the dog. I mean did I really think 30 years from now I'd be working with the same people. Good Lord NO! At 34 I've decided to go back to school and get my Master's in Education with a certification to teach grades K-8. person that NEVER took school seriously is actually going to teach small children and I've never been more excited about a decision. Will it be hard? Absolutely. But guess what, I'm so at peace with my decision that its already worth it. I'm settled, completely tuned in at home and as my best friend said recently "your so tan and just...relaxed". Yep. No more planes, rental cars, hotel rooms and late night blackberry checks. I'm done with corporate life and once again, I only have my son to thank. Cheers to you!