Saturday, November 20, 2010

I feel bad but....

I never thought I'd be so busy or things would be so hectic. There really isn't a moment to sit down anymore or even to really gather my thoughts and I only have one child. Its CRAZY that I'm considering another one (not now of course). The thing I feel the worst about is that I feel like I can't balance it all. I get so overwhelmed. How awful that I had to send my husband a message on Friday telling him he needed to come home soon. After a week of being without my usual help....I had reached my limit and felt horrible about it. I think the baby was sick of me also :-) Trying to be a stay at home mom with a full time job and an unruly dog had sent me into crazytown...briefly. I was trying to explain to him that I don't have a minute alone or to do something by myself. If I'm at home, I'm playing with Luke...if he's sleeping then I'm working. If I'm running then I've got him and the dog. There's always laundry to do, a house to clean (no cooking for me) or errands to run. By Friday I'm at the end of my rope and need some away time. But again I feel awful for even thinking it. I've wanted a family for as long as I can remember and I love them dearly so why do I need time away from them? Well I guess its because I'm a mom and all moms need "me time" eventually. I try not to feel guilty and sometimes I really don't think my husband understands but he tries. The result of me time..I actually volunteer to take the dog and the baby to the dog park while he gets some alone time. Me..volunteering to take the pony to the dog park???? Yes, that means mommy is happy again and ready to roll. Even the baby screaming on the way home didn't phase me. Its amazing what a husband that listens and 3 hours on my own will do. I envy those moms that can do it on their own. I really do. I sometimes wonder why I can't seem to pull it together and not need time away but oh well..I do. It makes me a better mom.

1 comment:

  1. Well that's the core issue that I think every mom has, :-( Sorry to say that it doesn't get better. You do learn to deal with it better and those of us that are smart learn how important it is to take that 'me' time no matter how bad it feels. But trust me, when you get over that feeling of guilt, the 'me' time is much more effective. I am also a big pusher of date night. It gets you away from baby, work, stress and keeps that marriage fresh and healthy. Good news, I don't think it gets any worse. I have 4 kids, I feel the exact same thing you do, no worse, probably better because I've learned how to deal with it (well a little anyway). Hang in there, and take you 'me' time dang it all!
    Oh, and don't worry about crazytown, we've all been there.
