Monday, December 6, 2010

I wasn't crazy after all.

Its all about trial and error right? Yes...yes it is. Luke has been fussing for 3 weeks...maybe longer because I've lost track of time. All I know is that at some point he became the fussy baby. A baby that I was scared to take out and when I did I was so embarassed because he was the child that fussed the ENTIRE TIME. Who wants to be around a fussy baby??? At first I thought it was just him being difficult or frustrated but then I noticed a pattern. He would fuss after feedings then spit up or he would smack the bottle out of his mouth after just a couple of minutes and would cry. Talked to the dr and he just said he was a "spitter". Ok???? So it continued and got progressively worse. Thanksgiving was awful. He fussed and cried the ENTIRE time to the point I was considering paying whatever the cost to fly back instead of drive 12 hours. In the past he adjusted so well to new places so it didn't make sense. My instinct said there was something else going on.. The "spitter" turned to full on vomit after every bottle or meal. Someone mentioned that maybe he was spoiled and I shouldn't pick him up so much. Tried that but he fussed whether we held him, played with him, rocked him, let him play on his own, took him outside....he fussed. Just ask our nanny. I was getting to the point where I understood how mom's felt that had babies with Colic. My awful. The only time he wasn't crying was in the baby jogger or he was sleeping which became inconsistent. When I went to bed I never knew what type of night we were going to have. Meanwhile the poor guy got two teeth. Long story short; I stuck with my mother's intuition and refused to accept there was nothing wrong. How could such a happy baby turn into a baby that would cry all day long???? When he started the vomitting through his nose, that was it for me. I wasn't going to accept no and my plan was answers and refusing to accept that I just had a fussy baby. Yep.. I was right. There was something wrong and we've narrowed it down to a bacteria or a milk intolerance. I switched him to Soy (which they are leaning more towards) and there already seems to be a difference. He never fussed this afternoon and even chased the dog around the house in his walker. Old times. My crying baby finally had a smile. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but a glimpse of his beautiful smile again has made me think we have an answer. My gosh that took forever or what seemed like forever! Another lesson learned.

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