I guess when you have a baby there are common fears that you think about such as making sure the baby sleeps on his back, he's not to hot or cold, the blanket doesn't cover his face...etc. However if you are me, you develop an alter ego that my husband now calls "Monica". Monica is crazy and has irrational fears and questions. These same fears and questions have led to many sleepless night for my him. So I thought I would list some these crazy questions/fears so someone could have a laugh or maybe another mommy would feel comfort.
- The sleep sheep. Its the cuddly sheep that sits in his crib and plays white noise. Apparently its a death trap for me. "What if he moves and the sheeps falls over and covers his face and he can't cry out for help".
- Bathtime- my husband just holds his hand to keep him still...."what if he slips and falls in the water (our mini baby bath spa) and takes it in...won't that later suffocate him in his sleep?". I know I know.
-This one is actually legit because its happened..."what if he slips inside his swaddle at night and I can't hear him and he suffocates"
-"Do you think Henry will jump into the crib and try to lay with him"...if you met our crazy dog you would know this could happen.
-My all time favorite and the one that tops them all...."what if someone breaks in, gives the dog a sedative, waits for him to sleep...creeps upstairs, steals the baby and creeps back out" I think I actually got a very concerned "I think you have lost your mind" look from Jason on that one. I'll admit, it was a stretch but hey...its "Monica".
- I think I was dreaming one night that I had the baby in the bed (which I never do for this reason) because I woke up frantically searching for the baby in the covers and asking Jason "Where's the baby...the baby, where is he?" He had to yell "stop" for me to come to my senses and realize I was out of it. I woke up the entire house for that one including the dog.
I could go on and on but I don't want to seem completely off my rocker...again...its not me, its Monica.
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