Well its been 5 1/2 months since Luke came into our lives and what a crazy and blessed 5 months its been. I think we are finally getting the hang of this parenting thing. So we think anyway. I've learned so much in such a short time. My life used to be planned out to the second and now its useless to plan anything. No plan is a good plan. I've learned to take an hour a day for my "me" time. If I don't there absolutely will be some type of meltdown by the end of the week. I've also learned that my career is just not as important as it used to be...Luke is now my #1 priority. To see him smile brings me more joy than a kudos from the boss.
I've also learned:
1) Work says that family is first but they don't really mean it...well most people don't anyway.
2) Marriage + baby is HARD but the key is to find time for each other. If not, its so easy to get disconnected
3) Finding a trustworthy nanny/sitter to keep your precious baby is not easy as I thought it would be but once you do its like that person becomes part of your family. We would be lost without ours.
4) The dog is lucky to get water. I've learned this is an adjustment for him also so I have to have patience even during his crazy behavior....which is our fault because he was never trained properly.
5) One thing that I've learned but haven't quite grasped yet...to stop getting irritated if the trash doesn't get taken out, if the house a mess or there's an overwhelming amount of laundry to be done. It will all get done eventually.
My life is a work in progress. I'm not perfect and will make mistakes frequently but each day I'm getting better and better. Maybe by the time I'm 90 and I'm sitting on the porch watching my grandkids run around, I'll have it all figured out.